Page 6 - Simply A2 Key Tests 1-2
P. 6

Test 1

                                                                Reading Part 1        Exam Tips

                                                         ● The question and the text will tell you the same thing, but in a
          PART 1      Questions 1-6                         different way because they use different words. Try to see
                                                            which of the 3 sentences has the same meaning with the text.
        For each question, choose the correct answer.    ● Also, you will have to read notices or messages about places
                                                            (like a museum, swimming pool or school). It is important to
                                                            know vocabulary related to such places.
            New Message
            From: John
            To: Peter                                        John needs

                                                             A. a bicycle for tomorrow.
            Please can I borrow your bicycle tomorrow?       B. to visit his uncle tomorrow.
            I need it to go to school. I left my bike at my
            uncle’s house.                                   C. Peter to lend him his uncle’s bicycle.


                  School Entrance                         A. Visitors can open the gate without ringing the bell.

                All visitors must see                     B. Visitors need to say what they are doing at the school.
                the receptionist before going             C. Visitors must close the gate after entering the school.
                into the school building.

                If the gate is closed, please
                ring the bell.


             Hi James,

             I’m going to the cinema                        What should James do?
             with my brother this                           A. tell Andrew why he likes the new Disney film
             evening to see the new
             Disney film. Do you want                       B. invite Andrew’s brother to the cinema
             to come with us?                               C. tell Andrew if he wants to go with them
             Let me know.

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